Before a helmet is certified by Snell, it has to pass rigorous testing at the Snell lab in California. Watch the video on YouTube or download here.
Snell Foundation history and current efforts to improve helmet safety. Watch the video on YouTube or download here.
What is the difference between motorcycle helmet standards and why are helmet standards important? Find out here! Watch the video on YouTube or download here.
Looking for the most protective helmets? This video shows the rigorous testing procedures helmets must endure to pass the Snell Foundation's standard. Watch the video on YouTube or download here.. Also available with Chinese narration, Chinese captions, and Russian captions. HD quality videos are available upon request.
For maximum protection your helmet needs to fit right. Watch the video on YouTube or download here.
Motorcycle helmets greatly reduce the risk of head and brain injury. Watch the video on YouTube or download here.
Snell SA2020 standard - presentation at High Performance Racing seminar. Watch the video on YouTube or download here.